Blog Archives

>RAIN – Why I Love It So


Some time back, I did a post on rain and why I love it. I mentioned the way the earth smells and how the hues of nature are richer, and so forth. But, in the writing of that post, something came out that I hadn’t considered before….

Many people find the sound of rain (not the torrential kind) soothing. ‘K, we all know that. We also know that babies (and puppies) are often comforted by the sound of a ticking clock. Doctors say it’s because the sound reminds them of their mothers’ heartbeat.

Here’s the part I liked about that piece: rain soothes our inner child. We get weary, worn down, tired. Our inner child is neglected, pushed aside so that we can take care of more important matters-work, relationships, hobbies, blah, blah, blah. We burn out… least I do. Especially in the summer.

For me, rain is like a magic tonic for my mind and soul. Everything smells fresh and feels cool. I can find a cozy place and snuggle with a book. Or close my eyes and listen to some music. Maybe watch a good movie.

Gray, cloudy, foggy, rainy days are my portal to other worlds, whether they’re in my daydreams or in familiar and much loved tales.

Like Bastian in The Neverending Story, I want to hide from the world and let a book take me so deeply into itself that I become a part of it. Rain can do that for me. When I listen to rain falling and feel its coolness against my skin, wonder is renewed and a childlike belief that anything really is possible is reborn. If it’s raining outside, you can bet that I’m in a pretty good mood. I am at peace.

 It’s where I find some of my best ideas…..

Is it really the Irish in me, like I always claim? I don’t know. What I do know is that the little kid in me loves to wander around in a rainy day…..



Hahahaha, no. I’m NOT pole dancing. Although I could probably make a considerable amount of $$$ from people paying me to stop, lol!!!

Ahem. Friends, I’ve come to a difficult decision. Do you believe in signs? I do. Eventually.

For all kinds of reasons, I believe it’s time for me to put up or shut up with my writing. My nano novel has been gathering dust since the first of December. My first, and favorite wip, is struggling to be born.

In the fall, I will have to sharply curtail my blogging and any writing I’m doing because of the class I’ll (hopefully) be taking. I’ve heard everyone say it’s pretty intense. But it’s science. I like science, so I’m optimistic.

All that said, I’ve decided that I need to really really for real, focus on my writing. It’s hard for me to quit something. Like this challenge, for example. But I have to. My goal is to have two completed rough drafts before classes start in August. Rough drafts that can be sent out for critiquing.

And I really believe this is the right decision because today, I re-wrote the beginning of the nano novel, and it’s pretty good. At least according to some of my co-workers. And they’re passionate readers. And as I was preparing dinner, another kink worked itself out with the first wip.

I feel that to keep the writing on the back burner would be a mistake. I’d miss this opening window.

I hope all of you will understand. I’ll be around on the weekends. Some. It’s pretty impossible for me to stay completely away.

So, that’s basically it for now. Until Saturday or Sunday. Take care, have fun, look for me when you least expect it 🙂



Okay, I know I’m stretching it a bit. But you know me. I  tend to break the occasional rule. According to Jack Sparrow, they’re more like guidelines anyway, so….

First, I hope everyone is okay after the terrible weather. Hopefully, this whole crazy year will be like the month of March and, since it’s roaring like a lion now, it will exit quietly, like a lamb.

Now, on to the post for today. Really, ‘OMG’ is about the only thing that relates to the letter ‘O’ here. But I had to find a way to share. And that lolcat kinda depicts me accurately when I find a new movie to love. Here it is:

I simply adore Amy Adams, and Matthew Goode, well that long-legged fellow ain’t too hard on the eyes. It’s set in Ireland-green, gray, moody, and hilarious. Perfect! It’s sweet. I’ve watched it three times this weekend already. Giving Star Trek a break, lol.

Seriously, I’m wondering what’s happening to me. I’m pretty much an action/sci-fi/mystery kind of person. I’ve never, ever, been into ‘chick flicks.’ But it’s happening more and more lately. Hmmmm……

Lastly, I have a routine when it comes to my internet choices. I check the pics from Lakeland Cam, then facebook, gmail, ichc….and then, just before the blogs, I go to I read the headlines, see who’s having a birthday, and look at the featured trailers to see if there’s anything that interests me.

Now, I got to tell you, I absolutely love David Hyde Pierce. He’s the reason I love Frasier. Well, imagine my surprise when I saw he has a movie coming out. Then, after watching the trailer….I was even more surprised. Omg, you have to check this out! (See how I tied that in there?)

Honey says he has it figured out already. Do you? Think it will be any good?



Hey friends! I hope the week is treating you well.

It’s Week of the Young Child and we have lots going on at the center. This means a variety of special things for the kids, as well as the parents.

It also means that Director and Assistant Director do special things for staff. How lucky are we?

All that to say this: we’ve got a lot going on. All the fun activities in addition to all the regular stuff. Plus, an upcoming holiday, picture day, Mother’s day, etc.

So, for the next few days, I’m going to have to be unplugged. I promise to visit everyone who leaves a comment sometime between Friday and Sunday. Sooner if I get ahead on all the stuff in the works. If you’ve followed me and I haven’t followed you back, drop me a line here or through email. Sometimes, the linky thing won’t bring up a blog link so that I can find you.

It’s hard for me to stay away and I will check it if it’s possible before Friday evening. Till then, take care and happy blogging!

>Updates, Thanks, And A Coming Soon


I wish this desk (and room) belonged to me. I got this pic from and it’s labeled ‘gov_mansion,’ which leads me to believe it’s an historic site.

It’s appropriately moody looking, don’t you think? Don’t know what I would use the keys for, though….perhaps to lock away cool new ideas? Or, maybe if my muse gets really talkative, she could lock me away and just write for me! Yeah, that would be interesting for sure!

Anyway. First, thank you to everyone who stopped by to convey condolences to Roland for Gypsy. I still can hardly bear to think about it…..

Second, an update about that class. Assistant Director made the call – to another former teacher of mine who’s now in charge of the EDU dept. Said teacher vowed to get me into the class. There is hope at the end of this weary-making tunnel after all!

Third, I didn’t go to the doctor yesterday. Except for a stuffy nose and an occasional cough, I actually feel much, much better. Thanks for all the well wishes!

Fourth, I may not be on here too much today. A little housework, a trip to the grocery, and then….some writing! I’ve been making all kinds of progress on wip #1 through outlining, and I want to get as much of it written down as possible. If I have to sacrifice some days from the A to Z, well, I hope you’ll forgive me.

This story has been in my brain-pan for over three years now and if parts of it are resolving themselves, I have to go with them. It wants to be written.

In the meantime, I hope you’re haivng, had, will have (allowing for time zone differences here) a wonderful, relaxing, fun, peaceful, healing weekend!

WAIT!!!!! I almost forgot! I have an idea that’s been really stewing in my mind for nearly a month now. An idea for a separate blog. I know I’ve totally neglected the poetry blog, and I hope to rectify that shortly.

But this would be something completely different…..just a head’s up. I don’t know how wide of an appeal it will have, I’m just feeling the need to do it, you know? But before I can, I have to go digging through some really old stuff….it’s not as mysterious as it sounds, honest. It will be a weekly thing…..not a daily one, which is good.

Okay, that’s it for now. I think!

>Update….Feeling A Little Buggy


First, I want to let you all know how very much I appreciate your concern and well wishes. And also to say thanks for letting me rant.

So far: I can’t get into the fall class because I’m not in a spring one. The same runaround as before.

I don’t want to take a class I don’t need just so I can get into the last class I do need. Did you get that?

So, Assistant Director is going to make a call in the morning to see what she can get done. Let’s hope and pray it works.

As for the work situation, we’ve all decided that we can only do what we can do at school for a child and the rest is out of our hands. I know that’s terribly vague and I’m sorry. I’m thankful that I work for people who allow us (me) to come and vent when situations infuriate us (me). 

Just to be clear, there’s no abuse, no laws being broken. But the situation is still maddening. In the meantime, we will just lead, encourage, and teach this child as much as we can while we have them, and let them know they’re loved and worthy.

Lastly, I’m really hoping that I’m not getting strep. Again. Yuck! You may or may not be aware, but some people can be carriers of different illnesses. One of the known ones (this poor child gave it to her family three times before they figured out what was going on and took more powerful preventative measures) has been in my room a lot lately. Ah well, it’s not like she does it on purpose.

Again, thanks for listening to me and for showering me with so much kindness and support. Bloggers ROCK!
Well, YOU GUYS do, anyway 🙂

Take care of yourselves, rest, have fun, and remember, tomorrow is Friday! Woohoo!



Oh, my friends! It’s been a FRUSTRATING few days!

1. Situation at work that I can’t talk about, but makes me want to claw the skin off my face. Yep, it’s that FRUSTRATING.

Not anything to do with Director/Assistant Director/Evangeline/Co-Workers…..

2. Allergies giving me grief.

3. Lack of sleep.

4. The Biggie: registering for a stupid class. I need one stinking class to get my stinking Assoc. Degree in Early Childhood Edu. One! Last fall, I tried to get into it and I couldn’t. Before, students needing only one class to graduate were let into a class that was full, or they were allowed to take it by internet/telecourse. Not anymore. Nope, you gotta stand in line for HOURS (literally) to get a chance at a ticket. Seriously?!!!!

Well, that’s just ridiculous. Not only could I not miss that kind of work for a CHANCE, but shuffling people around to maintain ratios for such a ludicrous thing is impractical, difficult, and just out of the question.

I tried tonight to register for fall online. Because I wasn’t in the spring semester, it wouldn’t let me. I’ve contacted a former English teacher who said she’d try to help tomorrow. I also sent an email to the lady in charge of part of the registration process, another former teacher. Hopefully, between the two of them, I will get into this class.

If not, I. Am. Calling. It. Quits. I cannot communicate how much I loathe, despise, abhor and detest school anymore. Largely because of the way everything has changed. Before long, we’ll need a BA to teach in daycare!

So, because of these things, and many more I’m not bothering to mention, I’m taking a few days off. Sorry new followers! Sorry fellow A to Z’ers! Sorry bloggy friends! I just can’t focus right now……I just want to stomp, scream, and punch something…..(btw: I’ve always thought having a punching bag would be fantastic therapy….I could use one right about now!)

I’ll see all of you Saturday or Sunday. If things go better tomorrow, maybe even Friday!

>D is for DIARY – My Very First One


In the process of leaving a comment Saturday, I realized I had to re-do my post for the letter D.

Let me begin at the beginning…..

To say that I have had trust issues is like saying Krakatoa went bang.

That meant that I could never, EVER have a diary when I was growing up.

As a result, I had no place to voice my thoughts, fears, doubts, or ponderings….

In my adult life, I’m happy to say that I learned to trust more, albeit selectively. But I still never kept a diary. Or even a journal.

That changed, though, in Feb. of 2010. I began this blog. In the afore mentioned comment, I wrote that we use our blogs to voice our hopes, fears, and failures. We write about our lives, our struggles, our doubts and even the lighter things that thankfully occur. We share our experiences and wisdom, and the cock-eyed humor we’ve gained along the way.

Blogs are like diaries that way. It’s a sort of safe place for us to express ourselves to whatever degree we feel comfortable with. And we even let others take a peek. Lots of others. And…we get to peek at theirs, too.

Is it because we don’t usually see each other face to face that we feel so uninhibited? For whatever reason, most of us fearlessly put ourselves ‘out there’ on a regular basis, whether it’s with random postings about our personal lives or excerpts from our works in progress (which is just as personal).

It’s for this reason that I don’t have a themed blog. I began this as a kind of diary and I’d like to keep it that way. I do, however, want to always make sure it’s varied, interesting, funny, thoughtful, and a fun/safe place to visit.

Because you’re peeking.

And instead of freaking out about it, I’m actually touched that you’re here 🙂

BTW, do you like my shiny new lol? Made it myself!

>The A To Z Challenge: My General Plan


Oh boy.
Friday is just hours away.
I read only moments ago that the Challenge has reached 800+. 
That’s a staggering number!
Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out, the creator of this massive blogfest,
posted his plan of action for the upcoming event here.
If you feel a bit overwhelmed, perhaps his plan will help you either
gain perspective, or come up with a plan of your own.
My Own Plan:
Like Lee, I will post a general response to comments unless a specific one is needed.
I will be visiting everyone who leaves a comment, especially those with whom I’m less familiar.
I will also try to visit other blogs from the blogroll that I haven’t ‘met’ before.
I’m budgeting 2 hours per day to visit blogs, roughly.
My goal is to visit people completely new to me as much as possible.
A chunk of my visiting will be done on Fridays and Saturdays.
My posts are going to be short, light, simple, and, hopefully, entertaining.
If there is a link inside the post, it will be something that can be done very quickly.
I promise.
We’re supposed to take Sundays off.
I may use that day to visit others who are not participating in the Challenge.
So, basically, I think that’s it. 
Knowing me, I’ve forgotten something.
But I’m not going to worry about it.
I’m going to bed!
Get some rest. Loosen up your fingers. Take a deep breath…… 

>My Kinda-Sorta Sunday Plans……..


Wow, yesterday was a very long, but fun day. The class, I’m happy to say, was really fun. And active. I was ready for bed as soon as I got home……but the day wasn’t over yet.

Honey’s knee acted up at the cookout, but he still ‘whooped’ Furby at ping pong.

And I…..I managed to actually get some writing done. On my favorite wip! Yay!!!

I don’t know if it was because it was so late, or because I was so tired, but when I read the last few pages I’d written (some time ago, mind you) I couldn’t remember writing them. Strange.

It’s chilly, wet, and gray outside. My favorite kind of day in the whole wide world. Gonna fly through a little housework, get a shower and do a few errands, arrange for some face time with Brother, Pooh, and Squirmy, then I’m gonna write. For a few hours I hope.

I will also be coming around to see what you all are up to. This will be the giant push before A to Z starts. Which reminds me. I’ve got some awards to pass around…..gotta get on that before the first!

Are you ready?

Happy Lazy Sunday!!!